

Lab members  




The Labs | Our Research | Tools & Techniques | Plant Biology Department

Principal Investigators:
June B. Nasrallah Mikhail E. Nasrallah
Research Associate:
Titima Tantikanjana, a native of Thailand, did her graduate work in the lab and received her Ph.D. in 1994. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. V. Sundaresan first at the Institute of Molecular Agrobiology in Singapore and then at the University of California at Davis. She rejoined the lab in September of 2002.
Post Docs:
Aardra Potnis came to the lab in August 2000 following her first post doc studying bacterial DNA replication at Duke University, NC. She did her Ph.D in Biotechnology studying desease resistance in rice. Part was done at MS University, Baroda and Partly at the Salk Insitute for Biological Studies, CA.
If she's not in the lab she finds time to relax by swimming, listening to music, or just watching TV with her husband. By the way, she love cats.
Mo Hua, from The People's Republic of China, joined the lab in February of 2001. She completed her Ph.D at the National University of Singapore in Cellular and Molecular Biology.

If she's not in the lab she likes to cook, garden and listen to music.

Pei Liu joined the lab in 2001, a long way from his home in The People's Republic of China. He compleded his Ph.D in 2001 at the National University of Singapore studying Cellular and Molecular Biology.

When he's not in the Lab Liu Pei likes to watch movies, go fishing or tend to his garden.

Graduate Students:
Chih-Wei Tung joined the lab in 1998 after completing her B.S. in Agronomy at National Taiwan University in 1996.

When not in the lab she likes to do various activities to relax, such as reading, watching TV/movies, playing tennis or listening to music. Now, she is interested in photography.

Krithika Yogeeswaran joined the lab Fall of 1998. She was born in San Diego, CA, and has resided and schooled in several locations in the US, Sweden and India. She completed her B.S. in Botany at Queen Mary's College in Madras, India in 1996 and her M.S. in Plant Science at Madras University in 1998.
She's an excited mom-to-be, check back early in the fall at her husband Raaz's web page for pics of baby. When Krithika is not in the lab (and before she becomes a mommy) she likes to express her artistic side through drawing, painting and sewing, she also likes getting outside to garden and hike.
Thanat Chookajorn, a student in the gratuate field of Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology, joined the lab in 2001 from Thailand after completing his BS in Medical Sciences in 1998 from Mahidol University.

Outside the lab Thanat enjoys reading history books, watching films, or hiking around Ithaca.

Sarah Nell Davidson, originally from Rock City, Il, she joined the lab in 2001 after completing her BA in Biology at Reed College in Portland, OR in 1998.

When not in the lab she likes to practice with her basement band, go fishing, swimming, canoeing, or just sit and read.

Undergraduate Students:
Paul Iskander came to Cornell in January 2000 as an undergraduate. He joined the lab in the spring of 2002. Paul completed his high school education at the Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Outside of the lab, Paul enjoys re-injuring his foot by playing soccer. When he's had enough of his injury, he likes to watch movies, listen to music, and eat ice cream.
Lab Technician/ Webmaster:
Stephen Snyder joined the lab as an undergrad his sophomore year,during the Spring of 2000. He graduated in 2002 and is now working full time in the lab while applying to graduate programs.

If he's not in the lab then Stephen can be found putting off studying for his GRE's. Favorite ways of doing this are running, playing around on the computer, or tending to his plants.