Lecture Notes for Light and Life Spring 2016 (PBIO 1130)
Light and Vision: There is More than Meets the Eye
Light and Energy
Living Light
Using Light to Keep Track of Time and Determine Orientation in Space
Seeing the Invisible: The Photon
- Ultraviolet light and wellness, ozone layer, vitamins, DNA repair, fluorescence
- Plant and animal coloration: Pigments, attraction, camouflage and mimicry
- Plant and animal colorations: Iridescence, sexual attraction and the wave nature of light
- Using the properties of light and pigments to make microscopic organisms, including germs, visible
- Polarized light and bee vision
- Red, blue and purple dyes
- What is light and what is life?
Vintage Movies
Introductory Biology Course for Non Majors
Syllabus for BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
Lecture Slides for BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
List of Books Discussed in BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
Exams for BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
Lecture Notes for Light and Life (PBIO 1130)
Botany Lectures at Shoals Marine Laboratory July 2009