Lecture Notes for Light and Life Spring 2016 (PBIO 1130)
Light and Vision: There is More than Meets the Eye
Light and Energy
Living Light
Using Light to Keep Track of Time and Determine Orientation in Space
Seeing the Invisible: The Photon
Ultraviolet light and wellness, ozone layer, vitamins, DNA repair, fluorescence
Plant and animal coloration: Pigments, attraction, camouflage and mimicry
Plant and animal colorations: Iridescence, sexual attraction and the wave nature of light
Using the properties of light and pigments to make microscopic organisms, including germs, visible
Polarized light and bee vision
Red, blue and purple dyes
What is light and what is life?
Vintage Movies
Introductory Biology Course for Non Majors
Syllabus for BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
Lecture Slides for BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
List of Books Discussed in BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
Exams for BIOG 1110 Spring 2010: Cornell's Cancelled Course:
Lecture Notes for Light and Life (PBIO 1130)
Botany Lectures at Shoals Marine Laboratory July 2009